Occupational Health and Safety Policy
As BMC, we always regard our employees as our most important asset in our efforts to achieve our strategic goals in line with our vision and mission.
In this respect, we adopt the policy of taking the necessary precautions to create a healthy and safe business environment for our employees and for anyone who comes to the factory whether for work, internship, or visiting, and sees this as the most important principle.

The purpose of the BMC Occupational Health and Safety Policy;
- To establish an OHS Management System that meets the requirements of the ISO 45001 management system for continuity of the work,
- To comply with Occupational Health and Safety legal regulations in all our operations,
- To educate and raise awareness in order to provide health and safety for all our employees,
- To ensure the compliance of all our employees, vendors, and visitors with the established OHS rules,
- To detect and remove the factors that may cause workplace accidents and occupational diseases in advance,
- To measure the performance of the OHS management system and to carry out studies in order to improve performance,
- To follow technological developments in OHS and to manage our investments accordingly,
- To ensure the participation of our employees and vendors in all our processes.
To create a healthy and safe workplace environment, BMC;
- Monitors developments related to Occupational Health and Safety, acts in accordance with the provisions of existing legislation, and always fulfills its obligations arising from contracts.
- Prioritizes the determination of occupational health and safety risks of its operations’, analyzing, and taking measures to reduce these risks in order to prevent injuries and health problems in the workplace.
- Carries out the necessary training and information activities in advance to ensure that its employees and all visitors at the factory whether for work, internship, or visiting are aware of their individual or corporate responsibilities.
- Carries out its operations in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
- Creates objectives and management programs to constantly improve the Occupational Health and Safety System and Performance, monitors the results, and implements necessary preventive actions in case of deviation from the objectives.
Environment Policy
As BMC, we believe that the environment must be protected in terms of "Sustainability" by minimizing the environmental impacts arising from our existing and future production activities.
In our production processes, we act according to the principles we've adopted within the scope of "Sustainable Growth".
As BMC, we guarantee to constantly improve the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, which is set up to identify and establish the objectives and programs related to key environmental factors in our operations.

In accordance with the quality policy, BMC;
- Complies with the Environmental Law and related regulations.
- Organizes all its operations in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and complies.
- Minimizes waste generation to minimize negative impacts on the environment. Strives to ensure reuse and recycling.
- Provides information trainings to all employees, related companies and individuals to increase environmental awareness.
- Reduces the use of raw material and energy by making technological improvements in production and productivity issues. Minimizes air, water and soil pollution.
- Takes precautions to reduce noise.
- It works for the efficient use of energy, natural resources and materials.
- It aims to control the environmental impacts arising from its subcontractors.
- Keeps environmental impacts under control and minimizes impacts in future processes and activities.
Data Security Policy
As BMC, we aim to ensure the basic and supportive IT services continue with minimum interruption, and to secure all physical and electronic information assets, in order to preserve the competitiveness, profitability, legal compliance and commercial image of our corporation.
In accordance with the data security policy, BMC is commited to;
- Documenting and continuously improving the Information Security Management System to meet the requirements of ISO 27001: 2013 standard.
- Comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding information security.
- Increase the awareness of its employees about information security.
- Being aware and managing the risks of confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of all kinds of information assets of its customers, suppliers and business partners.
- Working with dedication to make the information security infrastructure a system that constantly improves, evolves and does not allow new risks to occur.

Quality Policy
In accordance with the quality policy, BMC has adopted;
- To effectively implement and continuously improve the Quality Management System in compliance with laws and regulations, with the participation of all employees, suppliers, services and dealers,
- Managing risks and opportunities correctly by focusing on the expectations of related parties,
- To keep the customer satisfaction at the highest level with its high quality, competitive prices and timely delivery in the products and services it develops and designs in line with its strategic targets,
- A fair share of the added value it has with all its shareholders.
Our Energy Policy
In accordance with the our energy policy, BMC is commited to;
- To use energy resources, which are rapidly diminishing on Earth, by following the legal requirements and other requirements adopting the principle of "minimum energy maximum efficiency", to promote energy efficiency projects to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to improve the energy efficiency by following the latest technological innovations and continuous improvement,
- To purchase products, services, and technologies supporting energy efficiency and promote high-performance designs, to provide necessary information and sources like manpower, technology, infrastructure, and finance in the cause of protecting the environment energy efficiency and minimizing the us of natural sources,
- To develop energy efficiency projects to minimize the energy consumption arising from our activities and products and to design and act according to the purpose of increasing the use of renewable energy sources,
- To act supporting the sustainable development principles, to protect ecosystem via a course of action giving great importance to risks and opportunities on cases like mitigation of the impacts of climate change, biodiversity which may affect the future generation,
- To ensure that the energy management system is integrated into all other integrated management systems with a continuous improvement strategy and to ensure continuous monitoring,
- To raise awareness by ensuring that our policy is recognized and adopted by our stakeholders.

Customer Satisfaction Policy
In accordance with the Customer Satisfaction Policy, BMC has adopted;
- To adopt a customer-oriented approach while designing and implementing our products and services,
- To provide a suitable environment for our customers to present their demands, complaints and suggestions,
- To handle the notices of our customers objectively with the principles of privacy policy,
- To provide all necessary resources for the effective fulfillment of customer satisfaction studies,
- To provide customer-oriented, effective and fast solutions to the notifications sent by our customers through all communication channels, in accordance with financial, operational and corporate requirements, as well as legal conditions, standards and customer requirements,
- To increase customer satisfaction by managing our risk opportunities that may affect customer satisfaction and by constantly improving our processes.